Waties Island Nest Count

Monday, June 24, 2024

Monday, 6/24, Three False Crawls and one Possible Nest

 Very windy conditions today, but we got through it.

Sherri, Bonnie and Donna ready to take on walking the long end in the wind.

Wasn’t long before We came on very faint tracks. Small turtle track width was only 32 “ wide.

From what we could figure she came right up, turned around and went right back down. This became FC#11.

After walking the short end Donna and Claudia caught up with us.  We weren’t far when we came upon another crawl again very windblown and hard to find exactly where she went.  Difference, her crawl is 38”
wide and there is a distinct drag mark in the crawl.   Notice in picture below.

This turtle went right up and when she hit soft sand we could not find where she went.  She did stay a little longer than FC#11 but they are two different ladies.  Looks like right up and back down.

Walking another short distance and there it was  a third crawl.  She is the same size and has same crawl markings as previous crawl.  We probed the area, no luck and this became FC#13.

By this time we haven’t gotten very far so we continue our walk  We assumed that that would be it for the day, but since you can’t predict turtles, we found another crawl.

This crawl was fresher, longer and wider than all of the others. It was determined that this is the same turtle as FC 11 in FC12. plus she has a 38” crawl and the distinct mark in her crawl.

Again no sign of body pit.  Since it seemed that she was up on the beach the longest we probed a few areas with no luck, and made this PN#04

Pictures by Jewel and Claudia text by Sharon.

Waties Island performs research and management activities regarding sea turtle conservation in accordance with SCDNR permit number MTP500

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