Waties Island Nest Count

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sunday, August 11th Nest 07R Emerged Day 55

It was a hot one on the island this morning, slight breeze.  The Sunday Volunteers, Billie Jo, Karen, Tammy and my niece Stacie were with me today.  








Excitement in the air, they found that Nest 07R emerged - Day 55.  Lots of tracks to the ocean.  This poor nest has been harassed by those pesky GCs.  Tammy and Stacie followed a track up into the dunes and found a dead hatchling in a GC hole, they removed it.  Billie Jo found another hatchling on the flat portion of the beach outside of a GC hole.  We thought it was dead, but we would see a slight  movement by its legs.  I walked him down to the water line to see if the water would shock him to movement.  At first nothing, we started walking back up to our stuff and the way I was holding him, belly side up, I could feel his heart beat.  We took him back to the water and low and behold he raised his head a couple of times, and his back flippers moved.  We left him there, at least he made it to the ocean.  I do not think he will survive, but we at least gave him a chance.

This nest was laid on June 17th and was relocated to higher up on the dune.  This lady laid 117 eggs.


Nest 07R









Lots of tracks heading to the ocean
Two hatchlings, one deceased - the one closet to the GC hole was released into the ocean

It looked like many hatchlings made it to the ocean

 Another surprise on the beach - a deceased eel.








A large storm was coming, and thankfully we made it back to the truck in time.  An email will be sent out advertising the nest inventory.

Text by Leslie    Pictures by Leslie and Stacie

 Waties Island Performs research and management activities regarding sea turtle conservation in accordance with SCDNR permit number MTP500.

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