Waties Island Nest Count

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Thursday, July 25, 2024 Inventory of Nest #1R

 The day started out with threatening skies as the Thursday volunteers covered the beach checking the status of nests and possible nests amid intermittent light showers. No new turtle activity was noted overnight, however there was an important objective to be completed today - the inventory of our first hatched nest of the season.

Nest #1R was laid May 17, on the far end of the island. Because of the high water table and short beach in that area, the nest was dug up and 119 eggs moved and reburied down island to protect them from repeated high/king tides. (120 eggs laid, one egg taken for DNA research). The nest emerged at day 66, on July 22. In the week prior to emergence, and despite our best efforts to deter them, the ghost crabs descended on the nest with a vengeance. Nine eggs and 1 dead hatchling, found outside the nest in the days prior to the inventory, were recorded as lost due to ghost crab activity. 

Our long term and valued volunteer Avery, who was with us for her last day prior to moving, was awarded the privilege of initiating the dig into the nest. She was joined by Sue and Pam who were experiencing their first inventory. Despite the ghost crab barrage, the nest had a favorable outcome. One hundred hatched eggs, 6 unhatched eggs, and 1 dead hatchling were excavated from the nest cavity. No live hatchlings this morning. The nest had a hatch success rate of 83.3% and an emergence success rate of 81.6% **

The team toasted Avery at breakfast, acknowledging her years of service- both before and after her graduation from CCU, and wished her well on her new adventure on the Pacific coast. We’ll miss you!

**The hatch success rate is determined by number of eggs hatched vs the number laid (100 divided by 120). The emergence success rate is the number of hatchlings that successfully emerged from the nest vs the number laid. (98 divided by 120 - the two dead hatchlings are considered “ successfully hatched” but not “successfully emerged” from the nest).

Photos by Kim P. and Sharon. Text by Kim T.

Waties Island performs research and management activities regarding sea turtle conservation in accordance under SCDNR Permit Number MTP500.


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